Saturday, February 27, 2010

What are the rights of a child concerning hair brushing?

Does a child have the right to refuse to brush her hair or let a parent brush it, so that it becomes a tangled mess of dreadlocks.What are the rights of a child concerning hair brushing?
This could be an interesting question if it ever became a legal issue; would a parent have a right to forcibly brush, cut or style the hair of a fifteen year old? I would say definitely not, because a 15 year is not a child, but a 5 year old would not know what was best for him or her.What are the rights of a child concerning hair brushing?
Im not sure about the rights or the child but when my little sister was younger she used to hate having her hair brushed because its quite long and curly and tangles a lot but we discovered that if we made it into a game like hairdressers where she would do my hair and then I would do hers she was more likely to let me brush it. Its not ideal for when you are in a rush but gradually she has become used to having her hair done and we have far fewer problems now.
most children usually are defiant to parents. you want them to do one thing they do another and it varies throughout age. on your question your daughter or son is probably 8 or 9. No they don'tt have a right in the way they want their hair if your their legal guardiann its youresponsibilityty to make sure they are clean and appropriate for school or if they are going to be taken out into public. although if their going to school they usually go into the bathroom and change their hair style the way they want it. so really its disciplinaryry issue.
If its a child (under 16) then none i guess. a parent has the right to set standards and to enforce them if they are not being upheld. If my daughter tried that with me her father would take over and she does not like that coz he doesn't care if she cries or not!! (though he does do it gently, and she likes to make out it hurts when it doesn't coz were holding her hair in a ponytail so it does not get pulled)
uhh....idk. but i don't brush my hair because no matter how hard i try it won't knot and get messy....but by mom or granny used to brush it and i let them...even though i usually took a LONG time coz i would yell and scream that they hurt me...oh well i turned out kinda ok...i guess.

How old is the child?

If the child is still under parental care,then no she has no right.
I suppose it depends on the age of the ';child';
shave their hair off

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